1. Members who wish to post occasional papers should send their submissions as email attachments in Word doc or rtf format to the Editor of the Bulletin, Dr Tony Moody at .
  2. The paper should be of general interest to the wider membership. They could be a review of one or more seminal books (although there is a separate web page for these), or a non-technical review or commentary of a novel or important scientific or technological development. Polemics and original research papers, however, would not be considered appropriate.
  3. The paper should normally not exceed 3000 words and contain not more than 4 figures (graphs or illustrations) and be limited to a file size of 1MB.
  4. The Editor will send the submission to one or more members for a confidential opinion of its relevance, literary construction, and freedom from offensive comment and plagiarised content, but such referees would not be expected to provide a detailed report on the technical content as would be appropriate for a research paper submitted to a learned journal.
  5. The paper should be accompanied by a synopsis of between 20 and 40 words, which can be used on the website page.
  6. The Editor’s decision to accept or decline a submission is final.
  7. The Editor has the right to correct errors of syntax and spelling, but will agree with the author any significant revisions or changes to the text and illustrations.
  8. Accepted submissions will be converted to pdf format and posted on the designated web page by the website manager. The posting will normally remain for about 12 months but may be removed at any time thereafter by the website manager at his or her discretion. The Committee has the right to remove postings at any shorter time if substantiated evidence emerges of plagiarism, incorrect or inappropriate content.
  9. The website page will be accessible to the wider public.
  10. The Society does not accept responsibility for the view or content of papers posted on the Society’s website.

These Rules may be varied without notice by the Committee.